
259 BOOKS - Virginia History & Genealogy VA - Rare Ancestors Old County - CD/DVD

Description: (Newly Revised) Virginia Book Collection on DVD The Ultimate History & Genealogy Collection of 259 Books on DVD! This is the most complete collection on DVD for the best price on eBay. (Compare for yourself!) This item is delivered on a fully interactive DVD ROM readable on all computers. The files are in PDF format to view, copy or print them easily. They are fully searchable. All our DVDs are professionally produced, designed and packaged. This DVD contains 259 interesting books about the history and genealogy of Viginia. Many illustrations of specific events and settings as well as portraits of honourable people can be found and explored. This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in the history and genealogy of Virginia! - Many old out-of-print books - Historical Information - Illustrations - Biographical Sketches - History of counties - Records - ...and much more Contents: A History of Virginia from its Discovery till the Year 1781 with Biographical Sketches (1813) - J. W. Campbell - 318 pages Colonial Virginia, its People and Customs (1917) - M. Newton Stanard - 520 pages Directory of business and professional women in Richmond, Virginia (1921) - 112 pages Historic Virginia Homes and Churches (1915) - R. A. Lancaster - 522 pages Social Life of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century (1907) - P. A. Bruce - 278 pages The History of Virginia, in Four Parts (1855) - R. Beverley - 320 pages Virginia Illustrated (1857) - P. Crayon - 309 pages A biographical sketch of Henry A. Wise, with A history of the political campaign in Virginia in 1855 (1856) - J. P. Hambleton - 562 pages A Comprehensive Description of Virginia (1830) - J. Martin - 648 pages A genealogical and heraldic history of the colonial gentry, Volume 1 (1891) - B. Burke; A. P. Burke - 452 pages A genealogical and heraldic history of the colonial gentry, Volume 2 (1891) - B. Burke; A. P. Burke - 522 pages A Handbook of Caroline County, Virginia (1907) - 16 pages A History of Orange County, Virginia (1907) - W.W. Scott - 340 pages A History of Pendelton County West Virginia (1910) - O. F. Morton - 538 pages A History of Prince Edward County, Virginia: from its formation in 1753, to the present (1922) - C. E. Burrell - 437 pages A History of Rockbridge County, Virginia (1920) - O. F. Morton - 616 pages A History of Rockingham County, Virginia (1912) - J. W. Wayland - 604 pages A History of Slavery in Virginia (1902) - J. C. Ballagh - 176 pages A History of St. Mark's Parish, Culpeper County, Virginia, with notes of old churches and old families, and illustrations of the manners and customs of the olden time (1877) - P. Slaughter - 225 pages A history of the Laurel brigade, originally the Ashby cavalry (1907) - 580 pages A History of the Settlement by the Whites, of North-Western Virginia: and of the Indian Wars and Massacres, in that Section of the State (1831) - A. S. Withers - 332 pages A History of the Settlement of Virginia (1890) - J. Smith - 92 pages A History of the Valley of Virginia (1833) - S. Kercheval - 494 pages A History of Virginia from its discovery and Settlement by Europeans to the Present Time - Volume 1 (1846) - R. R. Howison - 503 pages A History of Virginia from its discovery and Settlement by Europeans to the Present Time - Volume 2 (1848) - R. R. Howison - 536 pages A Memoir of a Portion of the Bolling Family in England and Virginia (1868) - R. Bolling - 128 pages A Narrative of the Indian and Civil Wars in Virginia: In the Years 1675 and 1676 (1814) - 58 pages A prisoner of war in Virginia 1864-5 (1914) - G. H. Putham (1914) - 166 pages A young people's history of Virginia and Virginians (1896) - D. H. Maury - 262 pages Abingdon, Virginia, a Sketch of its History and Attractions (1889) - A. P. Wilmer - 28 pages Albemarle County in Virginia (1901) - E. Woods - 424 pages Aler's history of Martinsburg and Berkeley County, West Virginia (1888) - F. V. Aler - 446 pages Ancestry and Descendants of Lieut. John Henderson of Greenbrier County, Virginia 1650 -1900 (1902) - J. L. Miller - 50 pages Annals of Augusta County, Virginia, from 1726 to 1871 (1902) - J. A. Waddell - 566 pages Annals of Augusta County, Virginia, Supplement (1888) - J. A. Waddell - 122 pages Annals of Bath County, Virginia (1917) - O. F. Morton - 226 pages Army of Northern Virginia Memorial Volume (1880) - J. W. Jones - 358 pages Augusta County Virginia in the History of the United States (1918) - B. Dunlap - 78 pages Battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Virginia (1921) - V. M. Fleming - 36 pages Boyle Genealogy. John Boyle of Virginia and Kentucky (1909) - J. Boyle - 190 pages By-Ways of Virginia History (1907)- R. Hairston Early - 448 pages Capt. John Smith a Biography (1859) - G. Canning Hill - 346 pages Casper Branner of Virginia and his descendants (1913) - J. C. Branner - 493 pages Catalogue of the Confederate Museum, Richmond, Virginia (1905) - 320 pages Chaplines from Maryland and Virginia (1902) - M. J. Dare - 150 pages Charlotte County Virginia, Historical, Statistical and Present Attractions (1907) - J. Cullen Carrington - 162 pages Collections of the Virginia Historical Society (1833) - 274 pages Colonial Capitals of the dominion of Virginia (1906) - M. L. Dent - 150 pages Colonial Records of Virginia (1874) - 134 pages Colonial Virginia (1907) - J. A. C. Chandler, T. B. Thames - 426 pages Considerations on the present state of Virginia (1919) - R. C. Nicholas - 176 pages Craig County, Virginia (1907) - 16 pages Descendants of the Honorable Thomas Throckmorton, born 1739 in Virginia, & died at "Rich Hill", Ky. 1826 (1898) - C. Wickliffe Throckmorton - 16 pages Documents, Chiefly Unpublished, Relating to the Huguenot Emigration to Virginia (1886) - R. A. Brock - 288 pages Early Virginia Marriages (1907) - W. A. Crozier - 275 pages Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century Vol 2 (1896) - P. A. Bruce - 663 pages Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography Vol 1 (1915) - 422 pages Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography Vol 3 (1915) - 442 pages Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography Vol 4 (1915) - 772 pages Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography Vol 5 (1915) - 842 pages Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia, Vol 1 (1925) - 612 pages Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia, Vol 2 (1925) - 520 pages Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia, Vol 3 (1925) - 696 pages Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia, Vol 4 (1925) - 622 pages Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia, Vol 5 (1925) - 632 pages Fauquier White Sulphur Springs, Fauquier County, Va (1888) - 22 pages Fredericksburg, Virginia (1824) - 24 pages Frye Genealogy, Adrian of Kittery, Me., John of Andover, Mass., Joshua of Virginia, Thomas of Rhode Island (1920) - E. F. Barker - 221 pages Genealogical and Historical Notes on Culpeper County, Virginia (1900) - R. T. Green, P. Slaughter - 352 pages Genealogy of David Browder, of Virginia and his Descendants (1902) - T. E. Browder - 78 pages Genealogy of the Fishback Family in America – The Descendants of John Fishback, the Emigrant, with and Historical Sketch of his Family and of the Colony at Germanna and Germantown, Virginia 1714-1914 (1914) - W. M. Kemper - 404 pages Genealogy of the Page Family in Virginia, Also a Condensed Account of the Nelson, Walker, Pendleton and Randolph Families, with Reference to the Byrd, Carter, Cary, Duke, Gilmer, Harrison, Rives, Thornton, Wellford, Washington and other Distinguished Families in Virginia (1883) - 484 pages Genealogy of the Spotswood family in Scotland and Virginia (1868) - C. Campbell - 60 pages Genealogy of the Virginia family of Lomax (1913) - Lomax, E. - 82 pages General Lee, his Campaigns in Virginia, 1861-1865 (1906) - W. H. Taylor - 354 pages General Pope's Virginia campaign of 1862 (1870) - L. E. Mills - 46 pages George Mason of Virginia (1901) - L. H. Machen - 82 pages Gettysburg Campaign and Campaigns of 1864-1865 in Virginia (1905) - R. M. Stribling - 316 pages Gibbens-Butcher Genealogy. Embracing Barnett, Brown, Buckner, Byrne, Champlain, Enoch, Fairfax, Hannaman, Herbert, Rigs and Bibbee, Drake, Kincheloe, Morrell, Pribble, Pilcher, Peadro, Reeder, Triplett, Vaughan, Vandiver, Warnick and other Pioneer Families of Virginia who Migrated West of the Alleghanies (1894) - Alvaro F. Gibbens - 360 pages Halifax County Virginia, A Handbook (1907) - A. J. Morrison - 194 pages Historic Dinwiddie County, Virginia, or, The last long camp (1907) - 26 pages Historic Homes of the South-West Mountains, Virginia (1899) - E. C. Mead - 336 pages Historical and Industrial Guide to Petersburg, Virginia (1884) - E. Pollock - 262 pages Historical Collections of Virginia: Containing a Collection of the Most Interesting Facts, Traditions and Biographical Sketches (1852) - Henry Howe - 592 pages Historical Sketch Bedford County Virginia 1753-1907 (1907) - 132 pages Historical sketch of Bruton church, Williamsburg, Virginia (1903) - W. A. Rutherfoord Goodwin - 214 pages History and Comprehensive Description of Loudoun County, Virginia (1908) - J. W. Head - 198 pages History of Augusta County, Virginia (1882) - J. L. Peyton - 414 pages History of Clarke County, Virginia (1914) - T. D. Gold - 380 pages History of Hampton and Elizabeth City County, Virginia (1922) - L. G. Tyler - 64 pages History of Harrison County, West Virginia from the early days of Northwestern Virginia to the present (1910) - H. Haymond - 524 pages History of Prince Edward County, Virginia From its Formation in 1753, to the Present (1922) - C. E. Burrell - 436 pages History of Southwest Virginia, 1746-1786, Washington County, 1777-1870 (1903) - L. P. Summers - 936 pages History of Tazewell County and Southwest Virginia 1748-1920 (1920) - W. C. Pendleton - 726 pages History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia (1860) - C. Campbell - 766 pages History of The Doles-Cook Brigade of Northern Virginia, C.S. A.; containing muster roles of each company of the Fourth, Twelfth, Twenty-first and Forty-fourth Georgia regiments, with a short sketch of the services of each member, and a complete history of each regiment, by one of its own members (1903) - H. W. Thomas - 742 pages History of the Lemen Family of Illinois, Virginia and Elsewhere with Gallery of Portraits, Biographical Sketches and Genealogical Tables (1898) - F. B. Lemen - 1154 pages History of the Seventeenth Virginia Infantry, C.S.A. (1870) - G. D. Wise - 322 pages History of the Virginia company of London (1869) - E. D. Neill - 460 pages History of Virginia (1898) - R. B. Smithey - 284 pages History of Virginia for the Use of Schools (1914) - M. T. Magill - 392 pages Hughes Family of Kentucky and Virginia (1920) - L. A. Hughes, R. Hughes Sullivan - 108 pages Index to Saffell's list of Virginia Soldiers in the Revolution (1913) - J. T. McAllister - 54 pages Industrial and Historical Sketch of Fairfax County, Virginia (1907) - 112 pages Justice in Colonial Virginia (1905) - O. P. Chitwood - Courts - 128 pages King and Queen County, Virginia (1908) - A. Bagby - 442 pages Lee's invasion of northwest Virginia in 1861 (1911) - 172 pages Legislative journals of the Council of colonial Virginia (1918) - H. R. Mcllwaine - 1120 pages Life in Old Virginia (1907) - J. J. McDonald - 422 pages List of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. Special report of the Department of Archives and History for 1912 (1913) - 344 pages Lives of Virginia Baptist Ministers (1838) - J. B. Taylor - 506 pages Manors of Virginia in Colonial Times (1909) - E. D. Tunis Sale - 410 pages Memorial, Virginia Military Institute, biographical sketches (1875) - C. D. Walker - 600 pages Memorials of old Virginia Clerks (1888) - F. Johnston - 442 pages Men of Mark in Virginia: Ideals of American Life; a Collection of Biographies of the Leading Men in the State Vol 1 (1906) - L. G. Tyler - 448 pages Men of Mark in Virginia: Ideals of American Life; a Collection of Biographies of the Leading Men in the State Vol 2 (1907) - L. G. Tyler - 455 pages Men of Mark in Virginia: Ideals of American Life; a Collection of Biographies of the Leading Men in the State Vol 3 (1908) - L. G. Tyler - 478 pages Men of Mark in Virginia: Ideals of American Life; a Collection of Biographies of the Leading Men in the State Vol 4 (1909) - L. G. Tyler - 474 pages Men of Mark in Virginia: Ideals of American Life; a Collection of Biographies of the Leading Men in the State Vol5 (1909) - L. G. Tyler - 500 pages Military review of the campaign in Virginia (1862) Vol 1 - F. A. Petersen - 72 pages Military review of the campaign in Virginia (1862) Vol 2 - F. A. Petersen - 88 pages Myers' history of West Virginia (1915) - 506 pages Narratives of Early Virginia, 1606-1625 (1907) - L. G. Tyler - 498 pages Norfolk, Virginia "the Sunrise City by the Sea" (1914) - 96 pages Notices of Parkersburg, Virginia, as it is in July, 1860 (1860) - B. H. Latrobe - 28 pages Observations on the history of Virginia (1855) - 74 pages Officers of the Virginia forces in the Revolutionary War at present represented in the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Virginia : with names of their representatives, October 19, 1912 (1912) - 20 pages Official Virginia a composition of sketches of the public men of Virginia at the present time (1920) - 244 pages Old Chapel Clarke County, Virginia (1905) - 82 pages Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia Volume 1 (1878) - W. Meade - 528 pages Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia Volume 2 (1878) - W. Meade - 520 pages Old King William Homes and Families: An Account of Some of the Old Homesteads and Families of King William County Virginia (1897) - P. N. Clarke - 246 pages Old Virginia and Her Neighbours (1897) Vol 1 - J. Fiske - 364 pages Old Virginia and Her Neighbours (1897) Vol 2 - J. Fiske - 460 pages Organization and list of publications of the Virginia historical society (1894) - 8 pages Outline of the genealogy of the first four generations of the Branner family in Virginia (1904) - J. C. Branner - 5 pages Pamunkey Indians of Virginia (1894) - J. G. Pollard - 28 pages Pioneer Settlers of Grayson County Virginia (1914) - B. F. Nuckolls - 298 pages Planters of Colonial Virginia (1922) - T. J. Wertenbaker - 268 pages Pulaski County Virginia, Historic and Descriptive Sketch (1907) - 104 pages Raleigh's new fort in Virginia, 1585 (1893) - E. G. Daves - 22 pages Rand, McNally's indexed railroad and county map of Virginia (1883) - 70 pages Record of teachers' certificates issued, renewed, duplicated and extended from February 1 to December 31, 1918 (1919) - 146 pages Report of the Adjutant General, State of West Virginia (1863) - 70 pages Report on lands in the counties of Wise and Buchanan, Virginia, and McDowell, West Virginia (1882) - 22 pages Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia (1922) - 56 pages Richard of Jamestown, a Story of the Virginia Colony (1910) - J. Otis - 176 pages Richmond, Virginia, Yesterday and Today (1913) - 80 pages Round About Jamestown Historical Sketches of the Lower Virginia Peninsula (1907) - J.E. Davis - 174 pages Rural Land Ownership Among the Negroes of Virginia with special reference to Albemarle County (1915) - S. T. Bitting - 120 pages School history of Virginia (1914) - E. Sydenstricker - 394 pages Sectionalism in Virginia from 1776 to 1861 (1910) - C. H. Ambler - 406 pages Seldens of Virginia and allied families (1911) - M. S. Kennedy - 722 pages Shreds and Patches of History, Found Mostly in Virginia (1906) - M. B. Pierce - 170 pages Sketches and views, points of interest, Richmond, Virginia (1903) - M. A. Burgess - 100 pages Sketches of Virginia, Historical and Biographical (1856) - W. H. Foote - 612 pages Sketches Old Virginia (1897) - A.G. Bradley - 303 pages Some Colonial Mansions and Those Who Lived in Them: with genealogies of the various families mentioned (1899) - T. A. Glenn - 534 pages Some Emigrants to Virginia (1911) - W. G. Stanard - 92 pages Some old colonial churches in Virginia (1907) - J. Mann - 28 pages Some prominent Virginia families (1907) volume 4 - L. Perquet du Bellet - 456 pages Stories from Virginia history, for the young (1897) - M. T. Magill - 228 pages Stories of the Old Dominion: From the Settlement to the End of the Revolution (1879) - J. E. Cooke - 358 pages Sweet Chalybeate Springs Alleghany County, Virginia (1901) - 32 pages Test oath in Virginia. Papers relative to the test oath in Virginia (1869) - 42 pages The Association Oath Rolls of the British Plantations 1696 (1922) - W. Gandy - 104 pages The Brand family on Monongalia County, Virginia (now West Virginia) (1922) - F. M. Brand - 438 pages The Brooke family of Virginia (1907) - T. Brooke - 8 pages The Capitol of Virginia and of the Confederate States (1894) - W. W. Scott - 34 pages The Church of England in colonial Virginia (1937) vol 1 - E. L. Pennington - 30 pages The Church of England in colonial Virginia (1937) vol 2 - E. L. Pennington - 30 pages The City of Manchester, Virginia (1896) - J. B. Garland - (1896) - 26 pages The city of Roanoke, Virginia (1890) - 56 pages The Conquest of Virginia: the Forest Primeval (1916) - C. Whittle Sams – (1916) - 540 pages The discovery of the valley of Virginia (1903) - N. P. Dandridge - 26 pages The disruption of Virginia (1922) - J. C. McGregor - 352 pages The Family of Armistead of Virginia (1899) - W. S. Appleton - 34 pages The First Presbyterian Church, Staunton, Virginia (1908) - A. Hoge - 348 pages The free Negro in Virginia, 1619-1895 (1913) - J. H. Russell - 204 pages The German Element of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia (1907) - J. W. Wayland - 154 pages The Glengarry McDonalds of Virginia (1911) - F. McDonald Williams - 396 pages The History of Suffrage in Virginia (1901) - J. A. C. Chandler - 92 pages The History of the City of Fredericksburg, Virginia (1908) - S. J. Quinn - 428 pages The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia (1865) - W. Stith - 410 pages The History of Truro Parish in Virginia (1907) - P. Slaughter - 204 pages The History of Virginia in Four Parts (1855) - R. Beverley - 332 pages The History of Virginia, from Its First Settlement to the Present Day, Vol 1 (1804) - J. Burk - 364 pages The History of Virginia, from Its First Settlement to the Present Day, Vol 2 (1804) - J. Burk - 406 pages The History of Virginia, from Its First Settlement to the Present Day, Vol 3 (1804) - J. Burk - 478 pages The History of Virginia: From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time (1852) - T. S. Arthur, W. H. Carpenter - 366 pages The life of Patrick Henry, of Virginia (1854) - G. Arnold - 280 pages The London company of Virginia; a brief account of its transactions in colonizing Virginia (1908) - J. T. Ellyson - 120 pages The Making of Virginia and the Middle Colonies, 1578-1701 (1893) - S. A. Drake - 248 pages The McKees of Virginia and Kentucky (1891) - G. W. McKee - 216 pages The mission of South Carolina to Virginia (1860) vol 1 - 42 pages The mission of South Carolina to Virginia (1860) vol 2 - 42 pages The Negro in Virginia Politics, 1865-1902 (1919) - R. L. Morton - 216 pages The Nowlin – Stone Genealogy: A Record of the Decendants of James Nowlin, who came to Pittsylvania County Virginia from Ireland about 1700 (1916) - J. E. Nowlin - 652 pages The Parish Register of Saint Peter's, New Kent county, Virginia from 1680 to 1787 (1904) - St. Peter’s Parish - 226 pages The Peninsular campaign in Virginia (1864) - J. J. Marks - 470 pages The Penn Family of Virginia, A Chronological Record (1915) - W. M. Clemens - 30 pages The Plea and the Pioneers in Virginia; a history of the rise and early progress of the Disciples of Christ in Virginia, with biographical sketches of the pioneer preachers (1905) - F. A. Hodge - 288 pages The present state of Virginia (1865) - H. Jones - 176 pages The religious development of the Negro in Virginia (1914) - J. B. Earnest - 248 pages The Rending of Virginia, a History (1902) - 640 pages The Rev. Morgan Jones and the Welsh Indians of Virginia (1898) - I. J. Greenwood - 20 pages The Revolution in Virginia (1916) - H. J. Eckenrode - 326 pages The Royal Government in Virginia, 1624-1775 (1919) - P. S. Flippin - 416 pages The Settlers - A Tale of Virginia (1875) - W. H. G. Kingston - 260 pages The Shenandoah Valley and Virginia, 1861 to 1865 (1903) - S. C. Kellogg - 256 pages The summer of the pestilence. A history of the ravages of the yellow fever in Norfolk, Virginia, A. D. 1855 (1856) - G. D. Armstrong - 200 pages The Virginia Colony, An Address (1860) - G. F. Holmes - 54 pages The Virginia Frontier, 1754-1763 (1920) - L. K. Koontz - 470 pages The Virginia Lichtensteins, Amplified by Historical and Biographical Data (1912) - G. Lichtenstein - 36 pages The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Vol 1 Editor Philip A. Bruce (1894) - 554 pages The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Vol 15 Editor William G. Stanard (1908) - 568 pages The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Vol 21 Editor William G. Stanard (1913) - 536 pages The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Vol 25 Editor William G. Stanard (1917) - 1134 pages The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Vol 28 Editor William G. Stanard (1920) - 488 pages The Virginia Todds (1913) - J. R. Witcraft - 82 pages The Woodleys of Isle of Wight County, Virginia (1914) - J. F. Crocker - 106 pages Thomas Hardaway of Chesterfield County, Virginia, and his Descendants (1906) - S. Donelson Hubert - 102 pages University of Virginia its History, with Biographical Sketches and Portraits of Founders, Benefactors, Officers and Alumni, Vol 1 (1904) - 538 pages University of Virginia its History, with Biographical Sketches and Portraits of Founders, Benefactors, Officers and Alumni, Vol 2 (1904) - 552 pages Virginia (1916) - E. A. Alderman - 74 pages Virginia a history of the people (1883) - J. E. Cooke - 538 pages Virginia Baptist ministers. 3rd series (1912) - 444 pages Virginia Baptist ministers. 4th series (1913) - 440 pages Virginia Baptist ministers. 5th series, 1902-1914, with supplement (1915) - 534 pages Virginia before and during the war (1892) - H. H. Farmer - 110 pages Virginia Carolorum: The Colony Under the Rule of Charles the First and Second (1886) - E. D. Neill - 452 pages Virginia County Records Vol 4 (1909) - 350 pages Virginia first and Lee (1917) - H. W. Anderson - 98 pages Virginia First (1921) - L. G. Tyler - 22 pages Virginia heraldica being a registry of Virginia gentry Vol 5 (1908) - 232 pages Virginia leads (1916) - 40 pages Virginia Militia in the Revolutionary War, McAllister’s Data (1913) - J. T. McAllister - 346 pages Virginia past and present (1895) - E. Lee - 90 pages Virginia Pension Abstracts of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and Indian Wars Vol 2 - 262 pages Virginia Pension Abstracts of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and Indian Wars Vol 29 - 370 pages Virginia survey, 1861 (1861) - 348 pages Virginia Teachers Directory (1900) - 72 pages Virginia tourist (1892) - W. R. Boutwell - 162 pages Virginia Under the Stuarts, 1607-1688 (1914) - T. J. Wertenbaker - 290 pages Virginia vetusta, during the reign of James the First (1885) - E. D. Neill - 246 pages Virginia, her past and her future (1852) - O. P. Baldwin - 38 pages Virginia. Campaign of 1887 (1884) - 730 pages Virginia. Overwharton parish register, 1720 to 1760 (1899) - 220 pages Virginia: A History of the People (1883) - J. E. Cooke - 562 pages Virginia's attitude toward slavery and secession (1909) - B. B. Munford - 360 pages Virginia's next governor, Gen. Fitzhugh Lee (1885) - 48 pages War History of the Old First Virginia Infantry Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia (1884) - C. T. Loehr - 94 pages West Virginia and its people (1913) Vol 2 - T. C. Miller; H. Maxwell - 856 pages West Virginia state gazetteer and business directory 1882-83 - 574 pages West Virginia state gazetteer and business directory 1891-92 - 626 pages West Virginia state gazetteer and business directory vol 1900-01 - 854 pages Westmoreland County Virginia 1653-1912 (1912) - T. R. B. Wright - 210 pages White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia: a study of the system of indentured labor in the American colonies (1895) - J. C. Ballagh - 108 pages Young people's history of Virginia and Virginians (1904) - D. H. Maury - 262 pages Here are a few images from the collection: Attention eBay Staff: The books on this media were copyrighted prior to January 1, 1923 and/or are Government publications which are free of copyright restrictions. This media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations.

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259 BOOKS - Virginia History & Genealogy VA - Rare Ancestors Old County - CD/DVD

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Book Title: History & Genealogy of Virginia

Topic: History

Format: DVD

Type: County, State History

Author: Historybooks24

Language: English

Special Attributes: DVD

Subject: History & Military

Topic Synonym: Virginia Books

State: Virginia

Subject Else: Genealogy


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